Hello everyone.
Firstly I would like to apologise for my lack of activity on this site regarding any recent uploads. It has been a long time since the last entry, so hopefully you have had the chance to check out most of the fantastic bands I have listed on here. I should hope that I will be able to spend more time on here during the summer months, so thank you for bearing with me.
Secondly, you've no doubt noticed that I've made a few changes to the Music Box, hope you like the new look. I have made some changes to the layout and navigating around the blog should be easier now. I hope you find the site more pleasant to use, and benefit from all the awesome things I plan to add along the way.
Now onto my main point: recently I've received some complaints regarding my posts, so I've had to make a few changes:
1) Some of the image URLs are to blame for some of my takedowns, so when I have the time I will attempt to fix all of these
2) As you know this site is for downloading and evaluating music. To make this clear I am changing the download links on each page to a link titled "EVALUATE", just to make my intentions clear
3) Finally, considering the nature of the archives, I have decided to include links which give you the option of purchasing the albums from an external site, because you should always buy official.
Hopefully these changes won't cause you much bother, and can ensure that everyone gets the most out of Captain Chunk's Music Box.
Thank You
- Hammy